How to Save for a Vacation

Are all those Instagram vacation pics making you jealous? The good news is, with the right planning, you can take an amazing vacation.

May be you have already picked your destination and you are ready to pack your stuff and enjoy a few days off work. The only thing that’s left is to find the budget. Vacations are not cheap, and the lack of money is a common reason to postpone it again and again. But sometimes all it takes is some self-discipline and you can save enough for a vacation in no time. Here are a few tips…

How to save for a vacation

Open a Vacation Savings Account

If you get direct deposit at work, you can usually split it between different accounts. Ask your employer to send a percentage of your paycheck to a designated savings account. You likely won’t even miss that money and will have a nice vacation fund in a matter of a few months.

Set aside all of your extra cash

Get in your kitchen, find the biggest jar, grab a Sharpie and write “VACATION” on it. If you have a second job, freelance income or leftover change – put it in the jar. If you happen to get a cash gift from someone – put it in the jar. If you work overtime, take the extra money from your paycheck and…you guessed it – put it in the jar!

Make money selling stuff you no longer need

We all tend to hold on to things way too long. If you have all collectibles collecting dust – you can sell them for really good money. If you have clothes you rarely wear – you can offload it for cash as well. Just about anything you own can be sold to someone. There are Download Decluttr app to sell your old DVD’s or tablets. Sell the old furniture in your garage by using Trove Market or Chairish. To sell the items you don’t need, you can use Letgo, Facebook Sell&Buy groups, eBay, Bookoo, etc. You will be surprised how much money you can earn in no time.

Cut expenses

Instead of paying huge monthly fees for the gym you don’t even visit as often as you originally intended, you can cancel your membership and workout at home or outdoors. Using multiple video streaming services? Choose one and stick with it for a while. Consider canceling cable. A lot of the shows are available through streaming services anyway and you’ll save a ton of money every month. Using apps with monthly fees? Cut them out. Going out to eat or getting a Starbucks every morning? Opt for eating at home – your vacation will be worth it.

Rethink Grocery Shopping

  • Do your groceries once a week so you can keep a better track on the money you spend on food;
  • Buy things in bulk when they are on sale;
  • Shop at your local farmers market – it is cheaper, better for you and you will be doing a good deed by supporting small businesses;
  • Grow or regrow herbs and veggies like salad greens, garlic, cilantro, romaine lettuce, scallions, carrots, celery, basil, bokchoi, and more;
  • Shop after 7 PM because most delis and grocery stores decrease the price of foods with limited shelf life like takeout, bread, meat, etc;
  • Don’t shop on an empty stomach because you will spend a lot more;
  • Have a meal plan so you don’t buy too much food. Overconsumption will add to your weight and take away from your wallet.

Borrow what you’re short

You can start saving money for your vacation right this very moment. But still, it is going to take some time before you have enough to cover for your next road trip, cruise, beach holiday, or visit to a national park. When vacation time rolls around, if you’re still a little short, consider borrowing just enough to cover what you weren’t able to save up. There are plenty of different types of loans, but if you need some money fast, car title loans are the perfect option. You can get money in as little as 15 minutes, there is no credit check, monthly payments are reasonable and you can apply online or in person.

If you are in the Long Beach Area, visit us here at Fast Money Loans for a title loan. California residents have been using us since 1997. We’d love to help you with your cash needs!